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Sunday 22 September 2013

Lower Sixth ICT Notes on Application Areas of Computers (Advance Level students in Cameroon)

Applications of computers span a wide range of sectors such as education ,medicine, banking, commerce, arts, entertainment, simulation, manufacturing and monitoring as shall be seen subsequently.
1.     Education.
a)      Distance learning. It is a mode of delivering education often on an individual basis to students that are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a class room. It requires a student to link up to the chosen institution’s online platform from a computer connected to the internet  and get life videos of lesson through video conferencing and be able to interact with others in a virtual class. Distance learning provides education at a much affordable cost compared to that incurred in full time training. Also, students living in remote areas need not travel several kilometres to study, they can do it comfortably at their homes.
b)     School administration.
School administrators use computers in admission procedures, storing and managing students’ and teachers’ records, payment of fees, evaluation and so on. Computers can also be used in educational planning, decision making, and programming. Some institutions use computers to conduct aptitude and achievement tests during interview.
2.     Applications of computers in medicine
a)      Health information systems
Hospitals employ computers to maintain patient records. Doctors often require information about patient’s medical history, family health history, already diagnosed diseases, prescribed medications, medications patient is allergic to, and  patients personal details such as name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, height, body weight and so on. These data are stored in a database and when a patient consults a medical doctor, he uses patient’s identification number to query their information from the database and use. When this data is properly maintained, patients can be followed up more effectively and efficiently. Moreover, medical journals, research and diagnostic papers, important medical advances and reference books can be stored in the system. Thus, computers can serve as an incredible means of housing health information.
b)     Computers in surgical procedures
Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) is a fast advancing field in medicine. It combines medical expertise with artificial intelligence to obtain an expert system that gives a faster and more accurate result in surgical procedures (medical operations). In CAS, a model of the patient is created and analysed prior to surgery. The surgical procedure is simulated on a virtual image of the patient and results are obtained. If results are good, then surgery can be performed by a robot as programmed by a medical professional. The robot can still assist the doctor in the actual surgery. If simulation results are not good enough, then parameters (variables) are reviewed and the process repeated.
3.     Applications of computers in banking
a)      ATM services. ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine. It is a machine with computer features such as keyboard, processor, memory, monitor and speakers installed by a banking institution to enable its customers carry out transactions on their accounts such as withdrawals without the presence of a human teller (cashier). It functions thus: When a bank customer arrives an ATM machine and request for an operation, they are authenticated by asking for their Personal Identification Number (PIN). If authentication succeeds, the customer is requested to specify the amount of money to be withdrawn. The requested amount is issued out in bank notes if it falls within withdrawal limits, and transaction succeeds and terminate. Finally, customer’s account is updated by the system. Thus at the end of the operation, the customers withdraws money from their account without getting to the counter.
b)      Electronic fund transfer (EFT). It is the exchange or transfer of money from one account (or person) to another either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions through computer based systems. For instance, for local transfers in Cameroon, when a sender’s transaction information is validated through a fund transfer interface on a computer, the sender is credited with the amount to be transferred. The system then generates a transaction identification code (bordereau) and sends to the receiver informing them of their package at the nearest agency. Transaction details are then printed and issued to the sender. When the receiver collects, the sender is debited with the transferred amount and the transfer process terminates. The institution benefits from charges paid by sender.
4.     Application of computers in commerce
a)      Retail. Computers are used to hold information about products (e.g. price, description, expiry date, and supplier) and each product is coded with its information using a barcode that can be read using a barcode reader. When a customer presents their basket of items to the retail attendant, they use a barcode reader to read in information from all the items into the computer (through retail software) that calculates and displays total for each item, quantity, unit price, description of each item, and the grand total of purchase as the items are read in. When the basket is exhausted and payment is done (maybe through cash, bank transfer, credit or debit cards), transaction succeeds and the product database is updated. Computers can also be used to carry out profit analysis, inventory control and human resource management.
b)      Electronic commerce. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and /or services through networks of computers such as the internet. To buy over the internet, one needs a means of payment and means of delivery if it concerns a physical product such as cars, computers and clothes. Non physical goods such as software and information can be delivered on buyers PC. Points to follow when thinking of buying online:
  • ·         Connect to an ecommerce website that offers what you need
  • ·         Register or submit your personal details
  • ·         Get your online basket and shop
  • ·         Specify delivery address
  • ·         Make payments using debit or credit cards(VISA, MASTERCARD), PayPal, bank transfer or others
  • ·         Wait for delivery within specified period
5.     Arts
Computers provide incredible platforms for development of artistic works in the domains of theatre arts, animations, film production, and cartoon development. They make use of multimedia software such as Photoshop, flash professional, Windows Movie Maker, InDesign and illustrator. These software also enable artists to convert their works from physical to electronic form.
6.     Entertainment
a)      Gaming. Today, most traditional and modern games are available in electronic form either online (on gaming websites) or on personal computers or distributed as software (e.g. Zuma, Solitaire, chess and scrabble). Some of these games have objectives and a person’s choice on a particular game depends on their interests. We have educative games, strategy games, and so on.
b)      Music and Films. The computer enables us to arrange and play almost an unlimited number of songs with just a few clicks. Music players such as Windows Media player, PC DJ, Power DVD enable us to play and /or watch audio and video files (films, documentaries, personal stories) from computers, external storage, video streaming sites and many other sources. Computers are widely used in cinemas, dance clubs, snacks and bars to coordinate and play music and films.
7.     Applications of computers in simulation
Simulation is the process of designing a model of a real system, implementing the model as a computer program and conducting experiments with the model for the purpose of understanding the real system or solving a problem. Simulation allows institutions to forecast the effect on a real system by changing some of its variables through its model. It can be used to understand and explain the behaviour of a real system. It is used in medicine to simulate surgery on a computer before performing on a patient. It is used in situations where no tractable mathematical model exists.
8.     Applications of computers in manufacturing.
a)      Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).It is the use of computer software to control machine tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of work pieces. Software could be programmed as an operating system in a robot that controls it and specify what it has to do at any point in time. A good example could be found in the manufacturing and assembly of cars and/or car parts. Here, most processes have been programmed and left for robots to execute automatically or with minimal support from humans. This off course has a very positive effect on accuracy and efficiency.
b) Computer-aided design (CAD).It involves creating computer models defined by geometrical parameters. These models typically appear on a computer monitor as a three-dimensional representation of a part or a system of parts, which can be readily altered by changing relevant parameters. CAD systems enable designers to view objects under a wide variety of representations and to test these objects by simulating real-world conditions. Modelling with CAD systems offers a number of advantages over traditional drafting methods that use rulers, squares, and compasses. For example, designs can be altered without erasing and redrawing. CAD systems also offer "zoom" features analogous to a camera lens, whereby a designer can magnify certain elements of a model to facilitate inspection. Computer models are typically three dimensional and can be rotated on any axis, much as one could rotate an actual three dimensional model in one's hand, enabling the designer to gain a fuller sense of the object.
9.      Research on applications of computers in monitoring and communication!!!!!!


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